
Postscripts From Blogsville.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Waste Disposal

If you chew gum, here's a good tip:

  • When you've finished chewing and want to get rid of it, stick it on the nearest chair, table or anywhere else that comes to hand or just spit it out onto the pavement.
  • Don't worry.... someone else will clear up your mess.

If you smoke, here's a good tip:

  • When you've finished, chuck the butt on the floor [stamping it out is optional], or flick it with your fingers several yards away or, best of all, if you're driving, open the window and let it fly away.
  • Don't worry... someone else will clean up your mess.

If you've got an army, here's a good tip:

  • Make sure it's under-strength and ill-equipped , split it up and send it off to some hot, dusty, faraway places and let it get shot at, bombed and accused of war crimes.
  • Don't worry... someone else will clear up your mess, Tony.




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